Dave Lyons: Raised in New York City, educated in Texas. Beijing by way of Urumqi and southern Fujian. Librarian, translator, IT industry researcher.
Contributor on Rectified.name.
Find me on Twitter.
Mutant Palm: Previously known as Musing Under The Tenement Palm
Original About page indexed at Internet Archive: Tenement Palm? What on Earth are you talking about?
Press Clippings:
BBC News: China online: Tibet and torch reaction
Christian Science Monitor: Critics question China’s handling of alleged terror plot
Slashdot: Chinese Blogs, Netizens React To the Tibet Issue
Wall Street Journal: Torch Song: Olympic Relay Strikes Varied Chords, 一样的火焰 不一样的观念 (Chinese language version)
Wired Magazine’s Danger Room: Cyborg Pigeons Revealed!
BoingBoing: Google, China, and genocide: web censorship and Tibet, China Blocks YouTube, Protests Spread, Bloggers React
Other work:
Chinese Internet Research Conference liveblog (with John Kennedy and Rebecca MacKinnon)
Peking Duck: News of the Future: Guanxi 2.0, Social Darwinism, Nationalism and Humiliation in Modern China
Asia Sentinel: Teeny Tiny China, Nailing China’s Nailhouse, Xinjiang Deaths Raise Troubling Questions, Book Review: Eurasian Crossroads: A History of Xinjiang, Philippines + Scandal = Life Goes On, SMS Texts Energize a Chinese Protest
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