SchizOlympics: Words Fail Us
Links (highlighted red for blocked. CDT and Blogspot links blocked)
Dalai Lama Appeal:
English: Appeal in the Wake of Unrest
Chinese: 十四世达赖喇嘛对全球华人的呼吁
First posting found on Baidu with comments (Austrian website accessible from Mainland): 达赖喇嘛发表对全球华人的呼吁
Global Voices Online China: Responses to the Dalai Lama’s appeal
NYT “If you look carefully at what the Dalai Lama says, the giving up independence part is really empty, while the demands for a greater Tibet and a high degree of autonomy are real,” said Zhang Yun, a scholar at the China Tibetology Research Center. “What kind of government could allow that? That’s impossible.” “A high degree of autonomy means giving up everything: our administrative system, our cadre system, and even party-led socialism.” Growing Gulf Divides China and Old Foe [*What are the Dalai Lama’s conditions precisely? His appeal doesn’t say. Barry Sautman’s “New Initiative” paper below gives some details from 2005, but doesn’t mention his position on non-Tibetans or the military. Moreover, his reduced claims to full religious autonomy are still a challenge to the foundations of the government*]
Twofish Notes on the Dalai Lama’s Appeal to the Chinese People
VOANews Dalai Lama: China’s Demographic Policy Threatens Tibetan Culture [*And then the Dalai Lama immediately uses the loaded phrase “cultural genocide” about Han immigration. So what exactly does he propose be done under “cultural autonomy”?*]
Barry Sautman on everything Protests in Tibet and Separatism: the Olympics and Beyond also @ Black & White Cat
Sautman on genocide How Repressive Is the Chinese Government in Tibet?
Barry Sautman The politics of the Dalai Lama’s new initiative for autonomy
Previous Draft at Phayul w/ Baogang He The Politics of the Dalai Lama’s New Initiative for Autonomy(draft)
blocked: Blood & Treasure: Hanfrei
Melvyn Goldstein Tibet, China and the United States: Reflections on the Tibet Question
John Powers The Free Tibet Movement: A Selective Narrative
Susette Cooke Merging Tibetan Culture into the Chinese Economic Fast Lane
Pankaj Mishra Holy Man
Michael Parenti Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth
Donald S. Lopez Jr. Seven Things You Didn’t Know About Tibet
Lhasa Details:
Witnesses: ‘Oh my God, someone has a gun …’
Kadfly blocked: More From Lhasa Lhasa Burning
ESWN Even Jogging is a Crime Post March 14
CDT Tibet Update from Woeser
The Laobaixing Perspective:
Blogging Beijing, Seattle Times International Furor, Domestic Solidarity
The Telegraph China is blind to the hostility it can arouse
ESWN How Can I Forget Lhasa, March 14?
CDT The Dalai Lama’s Wisdom and Ignorance of the Han
Danwei The Torchbearer — An Interview by Sang Ye
CSM [*not quite the right category, I need a new overseas category*]Olympic torch protests chagrin many Chinese-Americans
Asia Times Online Why Beijing Just Can’t Grasp Tibet
No Sympathy for the Han:
Blood & Treasure blocked: As Opposed to Humans
Shanghai ScrapWhat is Patriotic Religious Education?
Shanghai Scrap The Protests, The Olympics and Race
Discrimination in China:
Blogging Beijing, Seattle TimesOlympics Out West
China Rises, McClatchy ‘No Dogs and Chinese Allowed’
Global Voices OnlineTaiwan Racial Commercials Everywhere
NYT In Tibetan Areas, Parallel Worlds Now Collide
WaPo What They’re Really Fighting For in Tibet
Shenzhen Fieldnotes Thoughts on Multi-Culturalism
连岳的第八大洲 一位藏族姑娘的邮件
Black and White Cat Are You Really Tibetan? You’re So Clean!
CDT Letter to Lian Yue: Talking About Ethnic Minorities in China
CDT Us and Them
Inferiority Complex:
From The China Beat: A fax sent to several news organizations this week had “Shameless CNN! Shameless America! One day we Chinese will be strong!” written in a scrawling hand. The Taelspin on Tibet: The Chinese Response to foreign media coverage of the 3.14 unrest
Time China Blog: “Is this how the majority of people in China feel? When I tentatively raised the topic with a long-time friend, who is well-educated and mild in manner, I was immediately cut short by a righteous lecture. “What do you have to complain about hostile phone calls?” he said. “Those shameless western mouthpieces deserved it! And It’s only for the best that CNN and BBC are blacked out so your lot could not pollute those weak-minded Chinese with your lies!”” A Little Understanding, Please
Paper Republic: Because we’ve become fragile to the point where words of a fictional character in a Western opera written in 1920s are sufficient to bring us down. These Insidious Little Edits…
China Digital Times: “After that, all you can do to make them happy is let them come in like God and bestow their patronizing charity on you so they can satisfy their superiority complex.” Chinese Bloggers on Tibet
Danwei Western Media Manhunt
ESWN Western Media-Related News and other briefs
Global Voices Online Chinese Bloggers Declare War on Western Medias Tibet Coverage
Time China Blog Schoolboy Pranks and Death Threats
LA Times “There is still a fear of intervention by foreign forces,” West’s Tibet ‘bias’ galls many in China
Time China Blog Not the People’s Daily
IHT “It’s not only an attack on the state, but an attack on what it means to be Chinese,” he said. “Even if minorities don’t feel like part of China, they are part of China’s nationality.” Nationalism at core of China’s reaction to Tibet unrest
上官本寂 世道乱,人心更乱 Partial Translation @ CDT The World is in Chaos, and People’s Hearts Even More So
Voices of Reason:
Black and White Cat Ethnic Harmony or Not
China Digital Times Lian Yue’s Tibet Information Theory
Danwei Lian Yue on Tibet and Information
Lian Yue’s Original Post 西藏信息论
China Digital Times 12 Suggestions for Dealing with the Tibetan Situation by Some Chinese Intellectuals
China Digital Times Tibet, Her Pain, My Shame
Woeser’s blog
Howard French on Woeser and husband) The Quiet Heroes of Tibet
Global Voices Online (see Mr. Jun) China: Fires on the Streets of Lhasa
Zola’s Chinese Tibet Clearinghouse
China Digital Times “In the sphere of ideology, our minds have been firmly occupied by Darwinism and the class theories of Marxism.” The Holy Olympic Torch, Atheism and Tibet
WSJ “government officials who deal with religion and minority affairs, both in central offices in Beijing and in Tibet. Having invested their careers in anti-splittism, these people cannot admit that the idea is mistaken without losing face and, they fear, losing their own power and position as well.” The Cry of Tibet
Letters from China Tibet Not Always Part of China: Chinese Historian
CDT First Time I Feel Ashamed to be Han, and Lucky to Not Be a Party Member
民大一同学 第一次因为是汉族而汗颜,第一次因为不是党员而庆幸!
[*a group of Chinese professionals in Germany protest unfairness, fairly*] Our Voice
CDT Alternative Thinking on the Tibet Problem
Paper Republic A Very Little Speech
ESWN The Enemy of My Enemy
ESWN How To Find The Truth About Lhasa
Sun Bin Is this what you want for Tibetan people?
ESWN Interview with Frank Sieren
Times Online West Must Be Careful With Chinese Whispers
Past Fenqing:
Time Magazine Made in China: Rally Round the Flag
Made in China: Hate Mongering
My Hearts in Accra Bridgeblogging Chinese Anger over Perceived Media Bias
The New Republic The Boxer Shorts Rebellion
Western Interpretations:
Time China Blog A Little History….
IHT Letter from China, 2007 Separating Fact from Image on Tibet
IHT Letter From China, 2008 Beijing’s claims of an “unwavering stand” in support of Tibet are groundless
San Francisco Chronicle Tibet today: “Cultural genocide” or prosperous “modern life”?
New York Times Opinion, Dave Eggers Dropping the Torch
Rolling Stone, 2007 The End of Tibet
Times Online The West Can Use Tibet as a Weapon
Beijing Newspeak A comedian’s take on Tibet
NZ Herald Paul Lewis: Tibetan protest just latest in hijackings
Pankaj Mishra, The Guardian At war with the utopia of modernity
Robert Barnett, Foreign Policy via Glimpse of the World Seven Questions: What Tibetans Want
World Report Blog Uri Avnery, On Tibet and Palestine: Not You! You!
ESWN Encounters With A German
Crappy Propaganda:
Beijing Newspeak More musings on Tibet propaganda drive
Beijing Newspeak A week in Tibet: journalistic scoops, “cat’s paws” and BBC blunders
Black and White Cat Truth and lies – Tibet and Iraq
The Independent (I forgot all about CCTV Hu Ziwei. She was jailed?) Dominic Lawson: Why China might have Olympic regrets
Channel 4 Lost in translation
Imagethief Tibet and the trouble with unassailable national myths
The Opposite End of China A Xinhua Masterpiece
熊蕾 中国国际传播中新崛起的草根力量
Xinhua Special Report portal Lhasa Unrest in China
AP China Orders ‘Study Sessions’ in Tibet
Staged Violence?
IHT Tibet supporters march in northern India in support of Dalai Lama
NYT 1998 Icy Wind From Beijing Chills the Monks of Tibet
The Age Tibetans accuse Beijing of distortion
China Matters Black Days for the Dalai Lama
Epoch on Phayul Chinese Regime Implicated in Staging Violence in Lhasa
ESWN (scroll down for pic) Most Wanted in Tibet
Financial Times: The Dalai Lama: “I was between them. Neither side willingly listened . . . I felt too much anxiety and helplessness. This time it is the same.” Violence revives bitter memories for Dalai Lama In order to provoke the protesting crowds, Chinese policemen dressed in monks attire are reported to have lashed out at the peaceful demonstrators, which incited the crowd into burning police vehicles. China rolls out tanks to suppress Tibet Protests
Pundita: A second look at the riots in Lhasa, Tibet, A Hu howdunit. But is Ruan Ming talking through his hat? A second look at the riots in Lhasa, Tibet, Rent-a-mob: A second look at the Lhasa, Tibet riots. Part 4,
Anti-CNN Spanish La Vanguardia publishes biggest lie ever: Riots INCITED by Chinese army
ESWN A Photograph From Lhasa, March 14
CDT Who is Really Behind the Tibet Riots?
1 + 1 = 2 西藏骚乱的幕后指使是谁
The CCP is the Real Tibetans Buddha:
IHT China’s tough line in Tibet is seen to have brought only resentment
Backlash: 张庆黎张代表:“党即活佛”
Other questionable Tibetan claims and the state of the movement:
Phayul ‘If India wants, it can sacrifice Tibet issue’
Washington Post Cyber Attacks Target Pro-Tibet Groups
WSJ Tibetan Youth Challenge Beijing — and Dalai Lama
WSJ Lhasa Riots Expose Tibet’s Split Society
Newsweek Fears and Tears
NYT He May Be a God, but He’s No Politician
Black and White Cat Wang Lixiong: Reflections on Tibet
Shanghai Scrap What is Patriotic religious education?
Danwei Religion and government in an uneasy mix
CSM Young Tibetans question path of nonviolence
Good Magazine interview with Tibetan Prime Minister Samdhong Rinpoche Remember Tibet?
RConversation Anti-CNN and the Tibet information war
ESWN The Madman of Chengdu
View From the Teahouse Foreigner in Chengdu writes about rumors and lockdown March Comes in Like a Snowlion
Fanfou: 天煞孤星 狮子王
Urumqi Online: Denied “乌鲁木齐公交车发生爆炸”纯属谣传
Reuters China detains people over Xinjiang blast rumours
The Xinjiang Factor:
The other thorn in China’s side
Dalai Lama and ETIM on CCTV.COM 达赖集团加强与“东突”恐怖组织勾结
Foreign Ministry of PRC Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang’s Regular Press Conference on March 25, 2008
UDN [*Claim of suppressed Hotan protests by World Uyghur Congress*]和阗千人抗议 消息遭封
The Australian [*China confirms 100~ arrested in Hotan, local official says its a response to Tibet*] Separatists Mass in China Protest
Rebiya Kadeer, WaPo, via Glimpse of the World Not the Torch of Liberty
IHT Authorities say small protest broke out in China’s troubled Xinjiang
Newsweek Tackling China
WSJ More Arrests in China Disclosed
AP via HuffPo China: Olympic Terrorist Plot Uncovered To Kill Athletes, Journalists, Tourists…
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